Is technology driving you mad?

Have you been in these situations?Don't bin it, GetGary!

  1. No time to setup your new TV, computer or broadband equipment.
  2. Have you purchased an iPad but don’t have a clue how to use it?
  3. Is your computer or network painfully slow?
  4. Are you fed up with dealing with helplines or difficult-to-understand user manuals?
  5. Are you thinking of upgrading your technology but don’t have a clue where to start?
  6. Would like faster broadband? but don’t know what’s needed or if you can get it?

The solution is simple – GetGary!

I’m local to Chippenham, have 25 years’ experience in computer support and home technologies.  I’ll visit you on-time (or provide remote support) for an agreed fixed rate.

I can fix a wide range of configuration problems across your technologies – not just computers.  I can even provide one-to-one technology training – explained in plain (non-jargon) English.

Call now to fix your technology problems